Camps & No School Day Programs

Experiences designed to fuel their desire to learn.

Unique, fun-filled Camps and No School Days activities for kids of all ages.

Early Release ✴️  Holidays ✴️  Winter Break ✴️ Spring Break ✴️ Super Summer Camps

Our amazingly interactive programs are a wonderful way to keep the academic energy alive while having a blast building friendships, learning new skills and creating fun memories.  When public school is out, the fun is in! 

  • Campers are separated by ages
    1 to 2y | 3 to 6y | 5 to 9y

  • Morning Session - 9:30am-1pm
    $40/day (3+yr)
    $50/day (1-2yr)

  • Full Day Session - 9:30am-3:30pm
    $70/day (3+yr)
    $80/day (1-2yr)

  • Extended Day Session - 8am-5pm
    $85/day (3+yr)
    $95 (1-2 yr)

  • Add Ons
    Hot lunch $5/day
    Extended Day 8a-9:30a/3:30p-5p
    $14/hour (3+yr)
    $16/hour (1-2 yr)

  • Counselors in Training - 10y+
    $150 weekly or $30 daily

PA Families can attend their regularly scheduled time at no additional cost for the new summer scheduled hours.

What does this mean? The summer schedule changes to a shorter day. PA families can attend their regularly attended school year schedule without paying for the new summer extended time.

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What to Expect

  • Inspiring Atmosphere - Campers interact throughout our transformed space each week.  We literally bring each week to life with theme based materials and activities that create excitement for all.

  • Meaningful Interactions – Connecting through community, their time spent unplugged from technology and connecting with others provides quality interactions and socialization. 

  • Purposeful Play - Camp days will help your little one establish or maintain a consistent routine with age-appropriate activities and predictable transitions. Activities are planned with learning outcomes and opportunities for discovery through engaging play.

  • Nurturing Counselors - Chosen for their lively spirit and many talents, which they use to create inclusive, memorable experiences that make each camp session stand out. All while ensuring quality interactions and a meaningful experience for each camper.

 Sign-up for a Camp or No-School Day today!