Surviving Back to School at Home

Most parents find their children heading back to school at home this year. Today we have some tips to help you prepare for the back to school season whether you're children are attending virtual school or returning to in-person school after having a year away from everyone.

Tips for Surviving Back to School at Home

Get your kids involved. Whether you're a parent who is into education and enjoys working with their children or whether it's just for the sake of having something to do, have your children help plan out this school year.

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If they're attending school virtually, discuss how their day will go and what time they'll be home once the new school year starts. If in-person school, have them help with their class schedule and get involved in activities they might want to try this year.

Depending on the age of your child and whether or not you home educate, actively engaging with your children can be a challenge if you have more than one child. If you're lacking sleep because of the demands and stress of keeping up with a second child, we have some tips for you.

Prepare your schedule. Before your kids get back into school make sure to set a routine that works well for everyone in the family.  If there is more than one child, do everything you can to find time to be alone with each child at different times of the day.

If you're a parent who enjoys homeschooling, having a schedule can be helpful to keep things running smoothly and help your children see how their day will flow.

Using an online tool or planning it out on paper with sticky notes and index cards can help visualize what will need to be done and when.

Sign up your child to work with an online tutor

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An online tutor's goal is to help students achieve their desired level of educational success. They will work with you and your child to develop lessons that are relevant to your child's abilities and interests. You can also find a tutor on websites like UpWork who specializes in online tutoring.

A tutor can help you teach your child how to interact with others.


Find a private school that will accept your child

If all else fails, you may want to consider sending your child to a private school that specializes in helping children who are struggling in academics or do not fit into larger classrooms. Private schools may offer the one-on-one attention and support that your child needs to succeed this year.

Don't forget about tutoring in school!

Every student needs a little extra help now and then. Find out what resources your schools offer for additional assistance with academics. If you are worried about not getting the same amount of attention as other children, consider hiring an online tutor who can help your child during school hours.

These are just some of our best tips to help you survive the back to school season at home this year. We do hope that our tips will get you headed in a positive direction but if you want more advice and tips please Join our Parent Advisor private Facebook group.

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