5 Tips for Teaching Kids the Gift of Giving


One of the best gifts we can give our children is the gift of giving. This is something that, as Early Childhood Educators and parents, we strive to instill in all of our students and children. Teaching children to think about others and to be generous with their time and resources will help them grow into kind, caring adults.

Here are 5 tips for teaching kids the gift of giving:

  1. Help your child understand that there are people who are not as fortunate as they are, and that they can do something to help.
    Explain to your children that there are people who don’t have enough food, cl,othes or a place to live. Talk about how they can help by donating money, clothes, or toys.

  2. Encourage volunteerism in the community.
    Find ways for your family to get involved in your local community, such as volunteering at a shelter or helping out with a neighborhood clean-up day. Explain to your kids how their efforts can make a difference in peoples’ lives and show them examples of how it has changed the world around them.

  3. Ask questions and listen attentively when others need assistance. 
    Teach your children to pay attention when someone is speaking and ask questions if they don’t understand. This will show that they are interested in what the other person is saying and can help them to better understand their needs. You can model this for your children by giving them your undivided attention when they are asking for help. 

  4. Discuss how some acts of compassion can also have a great impact. 
    Explain to your children that sometimes, small acts of kindness can also have a huge impact on those who receive it. A hug, an encouraging word, or someone to lend an ear, can all make a difference for someone.

  5. Lead by example and talk about your own experiences with giving back to the community. 
    Let your kids know that you also give back to the community, whether it is through donations, volunteering or helping out a neighbor in need. Show them that giving is about taking the time to make a difference in someone else’s life. 

How to Find Ways to Volunteer in the Community with Kids

Volunteering in the community is a great way to teach your children the gift of giving. Here are some tips on how to find ways to volunteer with your kids: 

Look for volunteer opportunities in your local area. Check out your local newspaper, radio stations, and TV channels for announcements about volunteer activities in the community. You can also search online or contact organizations that offer volunteer positions such as hospitals, animal shelters, soup kitchens, nursing homes and schools.

Ask friends and family. Talk to people you know who have been involved in volunteering and ask them about their experiences. They may be able to direct you towards good volunteer opportunities suited for kids or even introduce you to organizations they work with. 

Contact local non-profit programs. Look for organizations in your area that offer volunteer opportunities for kids. Many of these organizations are dedicated to helping children and youth and need volunteers to help them achieve their goals. 

By following these tips, you can help instill the gift of giving in your children - teaching them not just how to be generous but also how to be kind and caring members of society. This will ensure that they are on their way to becoming responsible citizens who understand the importance of helping those less fortunate than themselves. 

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Here’s a list of Giving Ideas and an activity sheet made by Peake Academy Preschool At Home.

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