Fun things to Do with Mom for Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and with it comes the desire to do some fun things with your mom. If you’re looking for some fun things to do with Mom for Mother’s Day then you’ll love our list of ideas featured below.

We wanted to share some fun things to do with mom that work for younger kids, older kids, and adults. We hope that you use our list to ignite your creativity and imagination to develop a fun-filled Mother’s Day event for that special mom in your life this year.

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Cook a Family Recipe

Do you have a family recipe that’s been passed down from generation to generation? Try your hand at cooking this family recipe with your kids this Mother’s Day. This is a fun memorable activity for kids of all ages to enjoy. Just ask Mom for her favorite hand-me-down family recipe so you can purchase all of the ingredients to make it before Mother’s Day.

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Craft it Up

Kids and Moms of all ages can enjoy a fun-filled day of crafts together for Mothers’ Day. Take a look at Pinterest for some Mother’s Day craft ideas, such as a DIY wreath that you can hang on your front door. These craft ideas for Mother’s Day featured on Pinterest are for all mom types and ages. Your kids can even make a craft to present as a gift on Mother’s Day to Mom.

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Make a Playlist

This is such a fun idea that we found inspires that bond between mom and child! Take a look for some songs that work for mothers and create a Mother’s Day playlist for your mom. These songs should feature lyrics that help your mom understand how you feel about her, and enjoyable for her to listen to whenever she’s feeling defeated or sad during her busy mom days.

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Host a Tea Party

You can opt to host a real-life or virtual tea party with your mom on Mother’s Day. Gather all of the moms you know, even those grandmothers out there, to participate in this tea party. If you can’t gather in person then use Zoom to host a virtual tea party with all of your favorite moms on Mother’s Day. Gather up the supplies and figure out the backdrop, then get your webcam ready for a fun-filled virtual party day!

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Let Her Sleep

Lastly, allow your mom to catch up on some sleep this Mother’s Day. Don’t wake her up, and do not be loud! Let the home be as quiet as a mouse while you enjoy hanging with the kids while your spouse relaxes in bed. You can work with the kids to make a breakfast-in-bed plate for Mom so that when she starts moving around to wake up, you deliver breakfast to her on her bed!

These are just some fun things to do with mom for Mother’s Day. You can use this list to expand upon each idea to make this Mother’s Day the most special day ever! Don’t forget to think about what your mom loves most, or how you can complete a chore in the home to offset her busy day on Mother’s Day!


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