Your Childs’ Early Years
The first five years of a child’s life are to their future physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. Years of neurological and psychological research have shown that babies begin to learn about the world around them from a very early age – including during the prenatal, perinatal (immediately before and after birth), and postnatal period.
Early Childhood environments and experiences lay the foundation for a child’s physical and mental health, affecting everything from longevity to the lifelong capacity to learn, from the ability to adapt to change to the capacity for resilience against adverse circumstances, according to the World Health Organization.
Families and schools need to work together to provide the best possible care and nurturing for early learners. Here are some interesting factors to keep in mind during your child’s season in their early years:
Preschoolers Develop A Sense Of Self
At the time around Pre-school age sense of self start to develop. Meaning their ability to recognize that they are separate from you or other children around them. Starting to express themselves by using their voice-” my toy!” Realizing they are their own individuals. Giving you an opportunity to agree and validate your child’s statement while at the same time explaining the importance of sharing their belongings with others. Also teaching in ways of expressing themselves and ownership in helping them dress- picking out what they would like to wear or what they would like to eat. Giving them choices allows them to feel empowered. Assisting them in build inner confidence.
Music Is Good For The Mind, Body, And Soul
Music naturally makes people happy but it also helps to fuel healthy learning. Singing along, playing an instrument, or just listening to different kinds of music can help with mathematical thinking. Music that contains simple vocabulary – nursery rhymes, jingles, and children’s songs - picking up the meaning of words. It also strengthens memory. All while developing gross and fine motor skills. Also, have the ability to calming the nervous system.
School Matters
Stable, caring, interactive relationships are an important factor in the healthy brain development of young children.
High-quality early childhood care and education programs are worth investing in improving children’s chances for success in later life. The right kind of early education takes in your child’s important phases of brain development and empowers students for the rest of their lives.
Peake Academy Digital Preschool Program understands the importance of these crucial early years are a deeply special and significant time for both you and your child. All children grow and develop in similar patterns, each child develops at his or her own pace. Spending quality time with your child and responding to their unique needs and sensitivities. When creating PADP and our PADP Membership we placed you and your child in our mind’s eye. Truly cultivating creative lesson plans and hands-on activities
We believe it is crucial for all children to have access to a high-quality early childhood education program. We are dedicated to ensuring their success and happiness in our program. We provide learning experiences that empower students to participate in their learning process.
Great News! We are super excited for you to join us! All are welcome! Want to know more? Want to be a part of our founding members? YAY! Visit our web page to register Peake Academy Digital Preschool . Visit us over at our Parent Advisor Facebook Group. See you there!
The Halloween is just around the corner! Here’s another great resource you can print to have fun with the kids while at home this holiday.

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