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Reading And Your First Grader
If a child can read, a child can do anything they set their mind to. Reading is one of the basic and most fundamental essentials for a successful life. Think about it—you can’t even make a frozen pizza if you can’t read the instructions on the box! And let’s not forget about all the wonderful adventures they would miss out on if they can’t read “Charlotte’s Web”, “The Hardy Boys” or “Nancy Drew”, “Captain Underpants”, and “Junie B Jones”.
Teaching My Child to Read and Write
Today we’re going to discuss some tips to help parents teach their children to read and write. This is one of the easier parts of child-raising that you can control. You’re the one who will help form a love of reading within your child from day one and here is how to get started with teaching your child to read.
How to Teach Your Child About Community & Culture
Learning about cultures and customs helps your child appreciate their community and culture. It allows them to engage with and understand other cultures in a mindful way.
Let's explore some of how you can teach your child the importance of this
Surfing the waves of your toddler's big feelings
Almost every person who has ever parented a toddler has experienced times when their normally agreeable, happy child suddenly becomes enraged for seemingly no reason.
This usually happens because toddlers are learning the boundaries of behavior, and things that they previously found perfectly acceptable are now being challenged by adults. As children become more verbal, they begin to assert themselves with words, instead of by hitting, biting, or throwing things. This can be very frustrating to toddlers who are used to having their own way.
Mastering Transitions with your Toddler
Helping your toddler transition from one activity or event to the next throughout their day can be a challenge. Toddlers are known for tantrums and disorganized behavior. Luckily, there are several things you can do to help them transition easier through their day.
3 Keys to Teaching Your Child Mindfulness
Mindfulness is more than just a parenting tool. It’s a way of life practice, and it may support your child (and you!) beyond just meltdowns or sibling frustrations. Benefits from mindfulness, bringing a gentle, content, and grounding attitude to the present moment. It can help your child and parents too, by cultivating happiness and relieving stress.
How to Help Your Toddler Develop Language Skills?
Language skills - understanding what others are saying and responding, are essential in life. Some toddlers might start blabbing out on their own, while others may need a little help to develop their communication skills to their full potential.
Most children say their first distinct words between 12 and 18 months, and it is the period where they progress quickly and learn new words almost every day.
Children Biting Ages 18 months to 36 Months
By now you may be wondering if biting will become a way of life for children in your child’s group at childcare or preschool teacher. It may seem to you that every time you turn around children are entering another biting phase!
Is my Child too Sick to go to Preschool
The cold and flu season and other viruses out there in the world make it even more difficult to decide whether your child is too sick for preschool or other childcare facilities. Today we’re going to dive into the topic to help you determine if your child is too sick to go to preschool.
Positive Discipline and Child Guidance Tips
Guidance is what parents do before they have a problem. This is part of being a proactive parent. Guidance techniques will help prevent a problem with a child before the child loses self-control or makes a bad decision. While self-control will emerge during early childhood years, children depend on parents and preschool teachers to help them maintain control.
Tips to Help Children Understand Sharing
Parents often repeat the plea to share when children are playing together. The intent of the request is for children to be able to get along together. It requires that they wait, delay their own gratification, and give a treasured item to another child.
Stages of the Preschool Toddler
Get ready for a parenting roller coaster ride! The next three years will be a thrill a minute for you and your baby or toddler.
Your newborn will go from seemingly helpless to talking, from unable to hold his or her head steady to a walking, running, hopping, and jumping preschool toddler!
As miraculous as this process seems, it follows three developmental rules.
Appropriate Expectations For Older Toddlers
Every toddler experiences their own stages of development with manners, rule-following, and meeting the expectations of their parents. During this stage of parenting, you’ll find that your older toddler is demanding to be more independent and slowly learning that the world doesn’t revolve around them.
Steps to Stop Toddler Biting in its Tracks
Biting is a common habit for toddlers to pick up during this stage in childhood. Whether your toddler is biting at daycare, biting at home, or just biting randomly, you can work to stop toddling biting in its tracks. As soon as you notice your toddler is biting, it’s time to use our parenting tips to stop this behavior.