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Preschool Kelley Peake Preschool Kelley Peake

Growing Together: How to Adapt Your Preschool Plan to Fit Your Child’s Evolving Needs

Learn how to adapt your preschool plan to match your child's growth and changing needs. Discover strategies to observe and reflect on their development, adjust learning activities, and foster independence with age-appropriate responsibilities. Embrace flexibility in routines and incorporate social and emotional learning to keep your child engaged and supported. Our guide helps you nurture your child's lifelong love of learning, ensuring they thrive during the crucial preschool years.

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Kelley Peake Kelley Peake

Cherish Every Moment: Essential Tips to Maximize the Preschool Years

The preschool years are a whirlwind of growth, curiosity, and endless energy. For parents, this stage can feel both exhilarating and fleeting—a time filled with moments that you’ll want to savor forever. Your child is rapidly developing crucial skills and laying the foundation for future learning and social interactions. To help you make the most of these precious years, here are some essential tips to maximize the preschool experience while creating lasting memories and supporting your child’s developmental milestones.

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Preschool, Preschool at Home, Reading Kelley Peake Preschool, Preschool at Home, Reading Kelley Peake

Tips on How to Raise a Reader

It’s never too early to start raising a reader. In fact, the sooner you start the better. Here are some tips on how to get your child interested in reading and help them develop a love for books.

There are many ways to encourage a love of reading within your child. The best way is to have books be a significant part of your family life. Parents are the number-one influence on whether a child reads. Kids who see their parents reading, talk about books they've read, or have regular trips to the library are more likely to become avid readers themselves.

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Preschool Kelley Peake Preschool Kelley Peake

Signs of a Quality Summer Camp

If you're looking for a summer camp for your child, it's important to do your research to make sure you're choosing the best one. There are many different summer camps available, so how do you know which one is right for your family?

Here are some signs of a quality summer camp

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How to Turn your Backyard into a Fun in the Sun Classroom

Warm weather is finally here! That means it's time to start thinking about ways to enjoy the great outdoors. If you're looking for a fun summer activity, consider turning your backyard into a classroom!

With a little bit of preparation, you can create an environment that is perfect for learning. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for transforming your backyard into a fun in the sun classroom.

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How to Incorporate Art with your Preschooler

If you're looking for a way to help your preschooler develop their creativity and art skills, look no further! In this blog post, we will discuss some easy ways to do just that. Art is a great way for children to learn about themselves and the world around them.

It can also help promote cognitive development and problem-solving skills. So don't wait any longer - start incorporating art into your preschooler's life today.

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Preschool, Development, Learning at Home Kelley Peake Preschool, Development, Learning at Home Kelley Peake

Teaching Your Preschooler How to Count with Money

One of the most important things you can teach your preschooler is how to count with money. This skill will help them throughout their lives, both in school and in their personal finances.

In this blog post, we will give you a few tips on how to teach your child about counting money. We will also provide valuable tips to ensure you both have fun during the process of teaching your preschooler how to count with money.

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How to Honor Your Amazing Teachers During Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week is a time to honor the teachers who have made a positive impact on our lives. It can be difficult to know what to say or do to show our gratitude, but thankfully, there are many simple and meaningful ways to show your appreciation.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best ways to honor your amazing teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week.

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How to Teach Your Preschooler the Value of Time: Tips and Activities

It's never too early to start teaching your child the value of time. In fact, the sooner you start, the better! Teaching your preschooler about time will help them develop a sense of responsibility and prepare them for future academic endeavors.

In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and activities that you can do to help teach your child about time.

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How to Make a Spring Break Trip a Learning Adventure

Parents who want to give their children a break from the regular school routine can still plan learning activities that help their kids learn important concepts about science, history, culture, and other subjects.

Even children who are not "academic" in nature will enjoy educational travel because it's so different than what they experience at home. Here are some ideas for spring break activities for all ages.

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Toddlers, Development, Preschool Activities Kelley Peake Toddlers, Development, Preschool Activities Kelley Peake

Surfing the waves of your toddler's big feelings

Almost every person who has ever parented a toddler has experienced times when their normally agreeable, happy child suddenly becomes enraged for seemingly no reason.

This usually happens because toddlers are learning the boundaries of behavior, and things that they previously found perfectly acceptable are now being challenged by adults. As children become more verbal, they begin to assert themselves with words, instead of by hitting, biting, or throwing things. This can be very frustrating to toddlers who are used to having their own way.

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3 Keys to Teaching Your Child Mindfulness

Mindfulness is more than just a parenting tool. It’s a way of life practice, and it may support your child (and you!) beyond just meltdowns or sibling frustrations. Benefits from mindfulness, bringing a gentle, content, and grounding attitude to the present moment. It can help your child and parents too, by cultivating happiness and relieving stress.

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Toddlers, Development Kelley Peake Toddlers, Development Kelley Peake

How to Help Your Toddler Develop Language Skills?

Language skills - understanding what others are saying and responding, are essential in life. Some toddlers might start blabbing out on their own, while others may need a little help to develop their communication skills to their full potential.

Most children say their first distinct words between 12 and 18 months, and it is the period where they progress quickly and learn new words almost every day.

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Preschool Activities Kelley Peake Preschool Activities Kelley Peake

Helping Your Child Adjust

When your child starts preschool, it’s normal for both of you to be excited. It’s also normal for each of you to experience some anxiety, perhaps at the same time, you’re feeling that excitement. When it’s time for your child to start preschool, it can be a big change. Fortunately, though, there are plenty of things you can do to help him or she adjust.

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preschool teachers, Preschool Activities Kelley Peake preschool teachers, Preschool Activities Kelley Peake

What Is the Best Way to Talk to My Child's Teacher?

The right way to approach your child's teacher depends on what you hope to accomplish.

Do you simply want to ask questions specific to your child's behavior or progress in the class, or do you want specific feedback about how your child is doing in the class?

Either way, some ways will be the right way to communicate with the teacher.

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3 Things My Preschooler Should Know

It is an exciting time watching your child grow and learn. Seeing the world through their eyes as you witness their development, you naturally have the great desire for them to succeed.

Many parents have concerns in their minds about what their child should be able to do and not do during the Preschool age. Knowing children thrive at the opportunity to learn and explore in a way that resonates with them, and not expected to know everything emotionally and academically going into kindergarten.

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5 Amazing Ideas to Keeping Digital Learning Fun

Today, when Preschool At Home Learning is becoming a new normal, teaching preschool kids digitally can be challenging. There are ways to use their need to play with their natural curiosity of the world to make learning fun. You will see that At-Home Learning with your preschool-aged child can be fun and rewarding.

Here are some suggestions to create fun and engaging activities for your Digital At-Home Learning Preschooler:

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Teachers, Activities, Preschool Activities Kelley Peake Teachers, Activities, Preschool Activities Kelley Peake

How to Plan an Amazing Teacher Appreciation Week In 3 Simple Steps

Teacher Appreciation Week is right around the corner. This year it’s the week of May 3–7, 2021

Teacher appreciation week can be an elaborate, weeklong event, or simple gestures from the students. What matters isn’t how much you do but how thoughtfully you do it. We are all busy parents, but TA Week can be a wonderful week for your school and easier than you may think.

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